Monday, March 30, 2009

Lutcher Stark High School 45th Reunion, 2009

To travel back to a place in our past for a high school reunion is a method of time travel that lifts no questioning eyebrows. Although the path is found in the present physical realm, the mind finds itself in a quite different realm. The mind seems to experience a sense of skipping over years of life unlived when renewing such old friendships. All of a sudden, we're facing people who have changed so much that we don't immediately recognize them. People who were a part of our daily lives for many years have matured, become adults with children and grandchildren. Not only do we not recognize their faces, we don't know how they became who they are today. We've missed their lives, and they've missed ours.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Spring Break Brings Spring

We thought that we might be freezing on spring break, but the weather gave us a spring in our steps as we left church this morning. The sun was shining and Robert & Paul fired up the grill for great, homemade hamburgers. We love being able to see our grandchildren and look forward to spring break to be able to travel west to see the youngest grandchildren. The drawback this spring is that our first great granddaughter is back home visiting her grandmother, our daughter. Oh well, can't have it all at one time. We'll be seeing her in a few days, watching her giggle and wiggle while we "coo" and cuddle her. God is good to us even as we are all dreading Suzanne's sixth surgery. Blessings are not always dressed in pleasure, sometimes in pain.