Sunday, May 17, 2009

God's Big Plan

God's Big Plan

Problems Come . . .
We seek God . . .
God Helps . . .
We Are Thankful . . .
Others See Us.

They Have Problems . . .
They Seek God . . .
God Helps Them . . .
They Are Thankful . . .
Others See Them.

Problems Come . . .
Seek God . . .
Receive Help . . .
Be Thankful . . .
God's Big Plan.

As I read Psalm 22, I thought about how we fit into God's plan for eternity--the meaning of eternal life. Verses 19-24 reveals that God intervenes (saves us) in the perils of life on earth so that we can testify of His love and care here on earth. We praise Him so that people on earth will recognize God as the Lord of His creation, the one who draws us to Him through His creation.
We have an appointed time to dwell on earth but an eternal time to dwell with God in Heaven. All of God's children, the chosen, sealed with the Holy Spirit are bound together in the love of God in Christ Jesus through life and death on earth and eternal life in Heaven. Yes, the body, the old house that limits us to a particular time and space is not eternally with us--thank God! We are free in death to live without the bonds of earth.
We live in the hearts and minds of all who know us here on earth--the saints of God. We're only memories to those who are not bound for eternity, but we live now and forever in those who are looking forward to that day when Jesus returns to earth and joins the new body with the Spirit--a body like that of Christ himself without physical limits.
Until then, we go on singing songs and praising God together among both the living and the dead in Christ. We rejoice as those who do have hope not as the lost who have no hope.
Let us praise God, joining with our loved ones who have gone to eternity before us.

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